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HomeWho We Are

Who We Are

Since its inception in 1992, the Coastside Mothers' Club (CMC) has provided support to and a social network for families along the San Mateo Coast (from Montara to Pescadero). 

The club is an all-volunteer organization. Each Board Member has a unique function from planning kids' social activities, organizing community fundraising drives, and coordinating fabulous speakers to informing members of educational opportunities. We welcome all levels of participation from our members, from simply being on our newsletter mailing list to joining the Board.


Because we are a 501c7 social club, we must adhere to guidelines that limit funds we can receive from non-club members. That includes funds from advertising. We are sorry that we are unable to offer advertising to so many of our community friends. If you are interested in donating a product or service, please e-mail:

